Proclaiming the Good News

Sermons on Life of Christ

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First and Second Commandments – Matthew 22:34-46

Having failed separately to discredit Jesus, the Pharisees and the Sadducees band together to take Jesus down.  That they would set aside their animosity for each other shows how vehemently they hated Jesus.  From this strange union a lawyer steps forward to test Jesus with the question “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6:5 as…

Spoken To You By God – Matthew 22:23-33

The Pharisees had failed in their attempt to embarrass Jesus.  So the Sadducees take a swing at it.  The Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection and they endeavour to make the idea appear ludicrous and thereby discredit Jesus.  However, Jesus takes them directly to the Scriptures which they had overlooked to point out what God Himself had clearly declared.  The resurrection is…

Caesar’s Stuff, God’s Stuff – Matthew 22:15-22

Surely His opponents had Jesus right where they wanted Him.  How could He possibly give an answer that would not land Him in deep trouble with either the Jews or with the Romans?  Their hatred of Jesus had driven these men to the attitude “Whatever It Takes!” let’s be rid of this nuisance.  They came with many lofty compliments.  But Jesus easily…

The King’s Invitation – Matthew 22:1-14

As the King in this parable sends out his messengers there is a definite urgency in his voice.  “Everything is ready; come….”  The food was hot and on the table.  But those invited spurned their privilege and went off to lesser concerns.  So opportunity is given for the King’s generosity to be shown.  He invites any and all passersby.  “As many as…