Proclaiming the Good News

The King’s Invitation – Matthew 22:1-14

As the King in this parable sends out his messengers there is a definite urgency in his voice.  “Everything is ready; come….”  The food was hot and on the table.  But those invited spurned their privilege and went off to lesser concerns.  So opportunity is given for the King’s generosity to be shown.  He invites any and all passersby.  “As many as you find (on the highway)” is the new directive he gives to his servants.  Jesus, within days of the cross, is again pressing home the message that God’s call to His ancient covenant people, the Jews, was being rejected and the offer of access to God’s table would be made to others, the Gentiles.  But there must be in the banquet hall only those who have taken the garments of Christ’s imputed righteousness.  Otherwise even those who have come so near to the table will be turned away.